Dear students,
Welcome to the new class. The topic today is a unique one and an advanced one as well. So I expect you to concentrate harder.
Last year, if you remember we had done a lecture on "how to be a dreamer". The lecture was followed by some reading material from Fernando Pessoa and we also screened some movies to assist that lecture.
Today's lecture is a bit of continuation of that concept of dreaming where we discuss more and try to relate it to some more concepts. So lets start the lecture on "Dream raised to the power of infinity".
Well, the term raised-to-the-power-of is quite a mathematical term. Like three raised to the power of two is nine, four raised to the power of three is sixty four, let us first understand what is dream raised to the power of two.
By dream raised to the power of two, we mean that you are dreaming inside a dream. Like for example, you are sitting in your mundane corporate office and dreaming of sitting by the side of a lake in the Himalayas. This is just dream raised to the power of one.
Now again, you are sitting in your mundane corporate office and dreaming of sitting by the side of lake in the Himalayas, and while sitting by the side of the lake, you dream of the blue sea in Maldives. This is dream raised to the power of two. You can go on and on, dream inside dream and keep increasing count. And when that count becomes infinite, you reach that stage of dream raised to the power of infinity.
Now let us understand this a bit more. How is dream raised to the power of five greater than say dream raised to the power of one?
Now, go back to your mundane corporate office, and look around. You are in 3-dimensions of space and one dimension of time. Now, when you dream of the lake, you achieve a stage of being in six dimensions of space: three of your office and three around the lake. So on, if you dream raised to the power of five, you are in fifteen dimensions (five multiplied by three). So isn't it cool, living in more dimensions than that awarded guy sitting next to your cubicle and working on a boring presentation.
Now when you reach a stage where you dream raised to the power of infinity, you actually are living in infinite dimensions, which means you become omnipresent. That's God, omnipresent for you!!!
I hope now you understand that all Buddha did while sitting under that tree in Bodh Gaya was nothing but dreaming raised to the power of infinity...
Thank you students for this patient hearing, I know there would be lots of questions in your mind. One like, how do we actually dream raised to the power of infinity. I understand that just going and sitting under a tree won't help. We will discuss this in the next class.
Till then, try dreaming about the next class...
Inception ?
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